Votekick for tShock


With the Votekick plugin for tShock, players will be able to vote for the kick of a certain player from the server, which will be useful when fighting cheaters, griefers and simply inadequate players. The plugin starts voting and after a certain time, and if other players have voted and scored the required percentage of votes specified in the config, then the specified player will be kicked from the server.


/ votekick kickUsername (username in <>)
/ votekick [voteyes / voteno]
/ votekick info (information about who is kicked and the count of votes)
/ votekick cancel (permission required caw.cancelvotekick)
/ reloadvotekick

Config features:

  • Changing the voting time
  • Changing the percentage of votes required to kick a player (for example, there are 2 players on the server, the config is set to 60, one player votes YES, getting 50 (50%))


  • caw.votekick - permission for the team / votekick
  • caw.reloadvotekick - permission to reload the config
  • caw.cancelvotekick - permission to cancel the current vote


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