Textures My Waifu As Pet for Terraria

After installing this texture pack, you can summon an anime beauty instead of the Baby Grinch. In order to call a waifu you need to use the whistle of the baby Grinch.


Installing texture packs:
Transfer the downloaded archive to

Documents \ My Games \ Terraria \ ResourcePacks

Once in Terraria, click on Texture Packs, and then on this button:

If the texture does not work, extract it from the archive in Documents \ My Games \ Terraria \ ResourcePacks.

TerrariaGo - Everything for Terraria (Terraria) free download

  1. John

    No me funciona el pak en mí terraria no me aparece nada

    1. terrariago-admin author

      Es dificil decir por qué el paquete no funciona para ti.

  2. dead inside

    what pet and why dont work

    1. terrariago-admin author

      It's hard to say why it doesn't work.
