TEdit - Terraria Map Editor 3.7

TEdit - Terraria Map Editor 3.7

With program Terraria TEdit Map Editor you can easily create your buildings on the map or the map itself.
Don't forget to create a backup before editing the map

Terraria Map Editor Hotkeys:
Ctrl + A - Select All
Ctrl + D - Remove selection
DEL - Delete tiles in the selection area
Ctrl + C - Copy
Ctrl + V - Paste
Ctrl + Z - Undo
Ctrl + Y - Return
Ctrl + S - Save
Ctrl + O - Open

Esc - Clear the undo buffer or remove the selection
A - Arrow / Cursor (For editing chests and changing tablets)
B - Brush (Painting tiles, walls, wires and liquid)
F - Fill (Fills tiles and / or walls)
E - Pencil (Drawing tiles, walls, wires and water)
R - Eyedropper (When you press LMB, it takes a tile / wall, when you press RMB, it takes a tile mask / wall mask)
P - Point (Creates spawn, dungeon and NPC houses)
S - Selection (Select an area for building or copying)
T - Sprite (Put a sprite (plates, chests, torches, tables, etc.) from the sprite sheet)
Z - Enable Eraser (Enables erase mode for bucket, pencil and brush)

Tutorials (english only, I can make a translation if you want):

Wiki - If you can't figure out how to use the tools then check out the wiki! (english only)

Project representatives:
BinaryConstruct - Author, original developer
SinisterStairs - Development
Heathtech - Textures for walls, tiles and trees
Aimeryan - Wiki
Kyphis - schema (?)
SineSwiper - Xml setup
Ahamling27 - Support & Promotion, Tutorials

English-language source

Download map editor TEdit v3.10.18105.184:


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  1. Immanuel

    Cual es la contraseña

    1. terrariago-admin author

      ¿De qué contraseña estás hablando?

      1. Vanya Maslov

        yo tambien tengo esa pregunta.
