Map - A Server World Mapper


The Map - A Server World Mapper plugin for tShock allows you to quickly and without installing additional programs get an image of the game world on your server!


  • Faster than downloading and installing third-party programs like MoreTerra / Terrafirma
  • Same color scheme as MoreTerra / Terrafirma
  • Setting the Output Folder
  • Customizable name of acquired images
  • Time stamped name
  • Ability to switch between color schemes
  • Automatic export of the world map at specified time intervals in minutes
  • Removing a map of a given area of ​​the world is much faster than first making a map of the whole world, and then selecting and copying the area of ​​interest from it

Exporting the map to the file "world-now.jpg"
Export of the map to a file of the "terraria-2014-17-02_12-00-00.jpg" format
Exporting a map to a file with a given name
map -n imagename.jpg
Reload map save path from
In-game path indication
map -p / path / to / output (will not save)
or in the window
map -p C: \\ path \\ to \\ output (yes, you must use a double slash)
Specifying in-game path and saving it in
map -s -p / path / to / output
or in the window
map -s -p C: \\ path \\ to \\ output
Change color scheme
map -s -c MoreTerra
map -s -c Terrafirma
Highlight block
map -h [name / id]
Displaying chests
map -h chest
In-game command to set up auto-save
map-a (on off)
map -a -t (includes time stamped title)
map -a -n (includes display name without time stamp)
map -a -h [name / id] (turns on the highlight and sets the ID to the specified one)
map -x1 500 -x2 600 -y1 500 -y2 600 (map of a section of the world with given coordinates, in this case from (500,500) to (600,600))
Coordinates (x1, y1) correspond to the upper left corner, and (x2, y2) - to the lower right corner.

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