Where to find a broken sword in Terraria

Where to find a broken sword in Terraria

Broken sword (Broken Hero Sword) is not so easy to get, because it drops from Motron only after you kill 4 bosses. By the way, Motron looks like this:

How to get a broken sword?

First you need to go into hardmode mode, for this you have to kill the Wall of Flesh boss. Next, you should kill the bosses Skeletron Prime, Destroyer and Gemini. And only after you have done all this can you go to kill Motron.

But after killing him, it is not a fact that you will immediately get a broken sword, because in a regular game the chance of a sword falling out is 25% (37% in expert mode). Therefore, it is best to use a water candle and a battle potion, this will increase the number of monsters and in this way increase the likelihood of getting a broken sword.

What can be crafted from a broken sword?

A broken sword can be used to make such swords as: True Edge of the Night, True Excalibur and Blade of the Earth.

To create these swords, you need a Mithril or Orichalcum Anvil.

Well, the recipes themselves are as follows:

What can be crafted from a broken sword?
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