ChangeName for tShock

The ChangeName plugin for tShock allows you to change the player's name on the server.


  • changenames - permission to use the / chname command
  • oldnames - permission to use command / oldname
  • selfname - permission to use the / selfname command


  • / chname [player name] [new name] - changes the current [player name] to [new name]
  • / selfname [new name] - changes its name to [new name]
  • / oldname [playername] - returns the old [playername]
  • / chat [message] - sends a regular message to the chat


  • The / chname command finds a player by part of his nickname. / chname allows additional variables. If they are present (no matter what), the message “[player] changed [old name] to [new name]” will NOT appear. (Example: / chname Vasya Pupkin Vasya Pupkin1 true or / selfname Tomato true)
  • The / selfname command can be used in the console, this will change the server name (which is Server by default) to whatever you choose.
    You can write messages from the console using the / chat command. The message will look as if you were on the server.
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