AFK Warp / Kick plugin for tShock


The AFK Warp / Kick plugin for tShock will send the player to “afk” status or if they enter the command / afk. Also kicks from the player's server if he is in afk status for a long time specified in the config.


  • - gives the user access to commands / afktime/ afk и / back
  • afk.cfg - gives the user access to commands / afkwarptime/ afkkicktime и / afkreload
  • afk.nokick - prevents the user from being kicked and receiving a kick message


  • / afktime - provides the user with information about his afk status
  • / afk - teleports the user to the afk zone
  • / back - teleports the user back to the place where he was
  • / afkwarptime - allows the user to change the time period after which he goes to afk
  • / afkkicktime - allows the user to change the time period after which he kicks from the server because of the afk status
  • / afkreload - reloads plugin config file

Config settings:

"afkwarp": true,

(on / off afk status)

"afkkick": true,

(on / off kick from server)

"afkwarptime": 300,

(time period after which afk status turns on)

"afkkicktime": 700,

(time interval before the kick from the server)

"afkspam": 20

(time after which the / afk command can be reused)


For AFK Warp:
1) Create a region with “afk” in the name
2) Create a warp named "afk" inside this region - if you want to hide it, enter / warp hide afk true

For AFK Kick:
No preliminary settings are required. The user will receive a warning message 3 times before the kick. Give users you don't want to kick permission afk.nokick.


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