[] tModLoader 0.8 - New mod loader for Terraria!

[1.3.5.х] tModLoader v. v. /// v.0.10.1//// v.

tModLoader is essentially a mod that provides a way to load mods without having to work directly with the terraria source code. This means that you can easily create mods that are compatible with other people's mods. It is designed to work in terraria 1.3

tModLoader is designed to minimize the effort required to upgrade to future versions of terraria. After tModLoader is sufficiently refined, the developer will expand the terraria functions. tModLoader saves worlds and players in a separate folder.

Answers on questions:
The multiplayer is very buggy! Play only at your own risk.
The crack will crash the game!

Installation instructions for tModLoader:
1. Download and unzip.
2. Run tModLoaderInstaller.jar (Yes, you need to install Java)
3. Play
Server Startup:
1. Download the mods you want.
2. Create a world in single player and stay in it for at least 3 minutes, this will help to avoid many bugs.
3. Start start the server via tModLoaderServer.exe
4. Connect and play.

If Terraria crashes
Download the clean version and try again. If it doesn't work again, re-read the instructions and try again.

Installation instructions for modifications
Open folder C: \ Users \ username \ Documents \ My Games \ Terraria \ ModLoader \ Mods and copy the .tmod file.
Also, there is now a Mod Browser tab in the menu, from there you can download mods.

ATTENTION! Due to frequent questions about whether mods will work on a pirated version, we inform you that mods work both on a licensed game and on a pirated version!


Download mods for Terraria 1.3

Link to documentation (For those familiar with C #)
Also, tModLoader is open source.

Version History
server bugs:
-Fixed server sync bug with OnPickup hook for items
-Fixed server bug where chests are not synced properly
-Fixed bug where Steam servers don't work
-Hopefully fixed ItemLoader.GetAlpha crash for clients on servers
-Hopefully fixed NPCs disappearing on servers? Please?
-Fixed server bug where custom item data is not synced
-Fixed server bug where custom town NPCs do not work
Other bugs:
-Fixed bug where bottom half of long hair does not draw
-Fixed bug where modded tiles crashed the game in early stages of world generation
-Fixed bug where Start Bag cannot contain vanilla items
-Fixed bug where Mod.GetEquipTexture always returns null
-Mods with sounds now load for people without sound cards
-Fixed NPC.CloneDefaults with buffImmune
-Fixed bug where SetMatch hook doesn't work at all
-Added the ability to build and debug mods from Visual Studio
-Improved the .tmod file format
-Added the ability to support future .tmod file format changes
-Renamed Other.dll to Mono.dll for noCompile mod-building
-Mods can now reference embedded dlls
-Added the ability to compile mods in C # 6
-Made the Mod Browser more secure
-ItemIO can now save items in general, including vanilla items
-Mods menu now displays how much stuff each mod adds
-Detect and display modder errors in LoadCustomData
-Huge performance improvements
-Changed structure of equipment update code to make it easy to create new equipment slots
-Converted some local world generation variables to static fields
-Made Player.jumpSpeed ​​and Player.jumpHeight public
-Made a bunch of Mount fields public
-Added April Fools (sorry this was late)
Mod loader stuff
-Added GlobalRecipe and RecipeAvailable hook for recipes
-Added gender parameter to SetMatch hook for items
-Added generic GetModX accessors for reduced redundancy
-Added OnCraft hook for recipes and items
-Added TileCountsAvailable hook for ModWorld
-Added GetMapBackgroundImage hook for ModPlayer
-Added ModifyBuffTip hook for buffs
-Added option to use constructor for cloned ModPlayers
-Added DrawEffects and CanExplode hooks for tiles
-Made code source files hidden from tModReader based on hideCode instead of hideResources
-Servers now work (so far only on Windows)
-Fixed mods with music being unable to load on Mac / Linux
-Fixed severe FPS drop when armor is equipped and visible
-Fixed bug where custom data could duplicate and corrupt .tplr
-Fixed bug where ItemInfo is not cloned by Item.Clone
-Fixed bug where “endless” ammo can get prefixes
-Fixed bug where modded chest names start out empty
-Fixed vanilla bug with DrawData.useDestinationRectangle
-Added Mod World
-Added Initialize hook for ModPlayer and ModWorld
-Added SaveCustomData and LoadCustomData hooks for ModWorld
-Added ModifyWorldGenTasks and PostWorldGen hooks for ModWorld
-Added PostUpdate hook for ModWorld
-Added Dangersense hook for tiles
-Added hideVisual parameter to UpdateAccessory hook for items
-Added DrawBehind hook for projectiles
-Added scroll bar to mod info screen
-Added ability to search in the mod browser
-Added the ability to exclude certain files from .tmod resources
-Compiler warnings are now included in the compiler error log file

-Added ModPlayer
-Added ResetEffects and UpdateDead hooks
-Added SaveCustomData and LoadCustomData hooks
-Added SetupStartInventory hook
-Added UpdateBiomes and UpdateBiomeVisuals hooks
-Added UpdateBadLifeRegen, UpdateLifeRegen, and NaturalLifeRegen hooks
-Added PreUpdate, SetControls, PreUpdateBuffs, and PostUpdateBuffs hooks
-Added PostUpdateEquips, PostUpdateMiscEffects, PostUpdateRunSpeeds, and PostUpdate hooks
-Added FrameEffects hook
-Added PreHurt, Hurt, and PostHurt hooks
-Added PreKill and Kill hooks
-Added PreItemCheck and PostItemCheck hooks
-Added GetWeaponDamage and GetWeaponKnockback hooks
-Added ConsumeAmmo, Shoot, and MeleeEffects hooks
-Added OnHitAnything hook
-Added CanHitNPC, ModifyHitNPC, and OnHitNPC hooks
-Added CanHitNPCWithProj, ModifyHitNPCWithProj, and OnHitNPCWithProj hooks
-Added CanHitPvp, ModifyHitPvp, and OnHitPvp hooks
-Added CanHitPvpWithProj, ModifyHitPvpWithProj, and OnHitPvpWithProj hooks
-Added CanBeHitByNPC, ModifyHitByNPC, and OnHitByNPC hooks
-Added CanBeHitByProjectile, ModifyHitByProjectile, and OnHitByProjectile hooks
-Added CatchFish, GetFishingLevel, AnglerQuestReward, and GetDyeTraderReward hooks
-Added DrawEffects, ModifyDrawLayers, and ModifyDrawHeadLayers hooks

-Finished buff support
-Added GlobalBuff
-Added Update (NPC) hook
-Added ReApply hooks
-Added canBeCleared and longerExpertDebuff fields

-Revamped equipment texture system (Added EquipTexture)
-Added all vanity-related ModItem hooks to EquipTexture
-Added Clone hook for ModItem
-Added ExtractinatorUse hook
-Added AutoLightSelect hook for ModItem
-Added PostUpdate hook
-Added SetMatch hook
-Added UpdateVanity hook
-Added GetWeaponDamage and GetWeaponKnockback hooks
-Added projOnSwing field
-Added CaughtFishStack, IsQuestFish, IsAnglerQuestAvailable, and AnglerQuestChat hooks
-Added HoldoutOffset and HoldoutOrigin hooks
-Added DrawHands, ArmorDrawColor, and ArmorArmGlowMask hooks
-Added DrawBody and DrawLegs hooks
-Added support for alternate use functions (right-clicking)
-ItemLoader hooks are now called for hotkey presses and right-click-equips
-Added CloneDefaults methods for Item

-Added disableSmartCursor field and AutoSelect hook for ModTile
-Added support for torches
-Added SetDrawPositions hook for ModTile
-Added WalkDust and MouseOverFar hooks

-Added hooks for grappling hook projectiles
-Added PreDrawExtras hook for projectiles
-Added drawHeldProjInFrontOfHeldItemAndArms field for ModProjectile
-Added support for contact-damage minion projectiles
-Added CloneDefaults method for Projectile

-Added CheckActive and CheckDead hooks for NPCs
-Added DrawEffects hook for NPCs
-Added ResetEffects and UpdateLifeRegen hooks for NPCs
-Added CloneDefaults methods for NPCs

-Added PostSetupContent hook for Mod
-Added MidUpdate hook for ModDust
-Added GetLoadedMods method for ModLoader
-Finished music support
-Added support for screen shaders and custom skies
-Custom saved modded item data now persists through the mod being unloaded
-Added DrawLayer and DrawInfo system for custom drawing
-Added EntityInfo system for storing information per entity
-Added the ability to manage mods published on the Mod Browser
-Added sorting buttons to the Mod Browser
-The Mod Browser now checks for tModLoader updates
-Added homepage link and description to mod files
-Added mod info buttons to Mods menu
-Made Terraria.ModLoader.IO.ItemIO public
-Made all hook calls public
-Exception messages now show inner exceptions
-Warnings are now hidden from compile error messages and logs
-Added tModLoader version information to .tmod file structure
-Probably other stuff I forgot

-Mods now unload in the reverse order they were loaded in
-ModifyHitNPC and ModifyHitByItem for NPCs can now modify damage
-Modded items lying in the world now animate at the correct speed
-The Extractinator no longer accepts every single modded item ever
-Doors no longer cause chaos on servers
-Abstract classes are no longer autoloaded
-Fixed severe vanilla-CraftGroup-related FPS drop
-Word wrap on exception messages and mod info no longer splits up words

-Proofed ModRecipe methods against modder mistakes
-Mac support
-.cs files are no longer saved as .tmod resources (woops!)
-Made mods compatible cross-platform
-Added support for building .dll files as mods
-Added Unload hook for Mod
-Revamped how minimap handles mod tiles and walls to cut down minimap's RAM usage
-Fixed bug that made .twld files larger than they had to be
-Made some private Projectile fields public
-Fixed bug where Jungle Temple door cannot be unlocked
-Fixed bug with sign GUI
-Fixed bug where cloud saves are not separate from vanilla cloud saves
-Added mod browser - an easy way to upload / download mods
-Basic buff support
-Added support for platform-like tiles
-Fixed bug where miscellaneous custom sounds don't work
-Improved saving for mannequins and item frames with modded items
-Gave ModDusts their own types
-Added hooks for vanity effects for armor sets
-Linux support
-Made a fancy installer
-Partial music support
-Added “Open Mods Folder” button to Mods menu
-Added support for animating vanilla tiles

-Added support for using vanilla textures
-Two mods can no longer share the same internal name
-Mods must now share names with the folder that contains their content
-Added a default mod that will always be enabled
-Loading mods now completely refreshes recipe list
-Added support for storing items whose mods are unloaded
-Added support for custom NPC banners
-Added support for singleplayer chat + ChatInput hook
-Added support for custom sounds
-Improved system for gores
-Added partial support for mounts
-Added support for miscellaneous file resources in .tmod files
-Added CanTownNPCSpawn and CheckConditions hooks for NPCs
-Added TownNPCName and GetChat hooks for NPCs
-Added SetChatButtons and OnChatButtonclicked hook for NPCs
-Added SetupShop and SetupTravelShop hooks for NPCs
-Fixed bug where locked Jungle Temple door can be opened
-Added BuffTownNPC hook
-Added TownNPCAttackStrength, TownNPCAttackCooldown, TownNPCAttackProj, TownNPCAttackProjSpeed ​​hooks for NPCs
-Added TownNPCAttackShoot, TownNPCAttackMagic, and TownNPCAttackSwing hooks for NPCs
-Added DrawTownAttackGun and DrawTownAttackSwing hooks for NPCs

-Added ScaleExpertStats hook for NPCs
-Added PreAI, AI, PostAI, SendExtraAI, and ReceiveExtraAI hooks for projectiles and NPCs
-Added FindFrame and HitEffect hooks for NPCs
-Added aiType field for ModProjectile and ModNPC + animationType field for ModNPC
-Added support for gores
-Added TileCollideStyle, OnTileCollide, PreKill, and Kill hooks for projectiles
-Added PreNPCLoot and NPCLoot hooks for NPCs
-Added BossLoot hook and bossBag field for NPCs
-Made it easier to customize vanilla NPC loot
-Added CanHitNPC and CanHitPvp hooks for items
-Added CanHitNPC, ModifyHitNPC, and ModifyHitNPC hooks for projectiles
-Added CanHitPvp, ModifyHitPvp, and OnHitPvp hooks for projectiles
-Added CanHitPlayer, ModifyHitPlayer, and OnHitPlayer hooks for projectiles
-Added CanHitPlayer, ModifyHitPlayer, and OnHitPlayer hooks for NPCs
-Added CanHitNPC, ModifyHitNPC, and OnHitNPC hooks for NPCs
-Added CanBeHitByPlayer, ModifyHitByPlayer, and OnHitByPlayer hooks for NPCs
-Added CanBeHitByProjectile, ModifyHitByProjectile, and OnHitByProjectile hooks for NPCs
-Added Colliding hook for projectiles and StrikeNPC hook for NPCs
-Added support for NPC map icons
-Added BossHeadSlot, BossHeadRotation, and BossHeadSpriteEffects hooks for NPCs
-Added support for NPC music
-Added GetAlpha, drawOffset, PreDraw, and PostDraw hooks for projectiles
-Added GetAlpha, PreDraw, drawOffsetY, and PostDraw hooks for NPCs
-Added EditSpawnRate, EditSpawnRange, CanSpawn, EditSpawnPool, and SpawnNPC hooks for NPCs
-Added OpenBossBag hook for items
-Added NearbyEffects hook for tiles
-Code is now optimized by compiler
-Deleting players and worlds will now also delete the associated .tplr and .twld files
-Fixed bug where stackable mod items (ie ammo) can have prefixes
-Fixed bug where vanilla NPC display names are wrong
-Fixed bug where open modded doors invalidate houses
-Removed a log write I accidentally left in
-Possibly other stuff I've forgotten
-Updated to Terraria
-Modded world and player data now saves in separate .tplr and .twld files
-Added tModLoader version to main menu
-Added support for theoretically infinite recipes
-Improved error-handling
-Added support for crafting groups
-Added PreOpenVanillaBag and OpenVanillaBag hooks for GlobalItem
-Gave tModLoader exe an (uncreative) icon
-Fixed bug where multi-tile subtiles and alternates are not checked
-Fixed bug where Main.tileValue doesn't work for modded tiles
-Added CanKillTile hook for tiles
-Added support for doors, chests, and beds
-Fixed assembly resolve for dll and mod references
-Added GrabRange, GrabStyle, and OnPickup hooks for items
-Bugfixed custom projectiles and NPCs
-Finally fixed bug where “Build + Reload” wouldn't unload mods
-Hopefully fixed dll reference system
-Autoloading now occurs before manual loading
-Added README to installation
-Added support for multiple global entities per mod
-Added support for autoloading global entities
-Added support for autoloading multiple EquipTypes per item
-Fixed bug where AddTooltip duplicates tooltips
-Improved dll reference system
-Fixed bug where missing equipment textures crashes the game
-Made WorldGen class public
-Added support for walls
–Added support for wall kill sounds, dust, drops, and kill-related hooks
–Added support for wall map colors and names, and related hooks
–Added ModifyLight and RandomUpdate hooks for walls
–Added AnimateWall, PreDraw, and PostDraw hooks for walls
-Added MouseOver and Slope hooks for tiles
-Added support for very basic projectiles and NPCs (Untested)

-Added build properties to specify display and dependency stuff
–Mod author and version are now build properties
–Added support for mod and dll dependencies
-Modified WorldFile.ValidateWorld so worlds containing modded stuff can load
-Added support for custom tiles (ModTile and GlobalTile)
–Added support for tile kill sounds, dust, drops, and kill-related hooks
–Added support for custom TileObjectData and multi-tile blocks
–Added ModifyLight, SetSpriteEffects, AnimateTile, PreDraw, and PostDraw hooks for tiles
–Added support for tile map colors and names, and related hooks
–Added RandomUpdate and TileFrame hooks for tiles
–Added mineResistance and minPick fields for ModTile
–Added CanPlace and AdjTiles hooks for tiles
–Added RightClick and HitWire hooks for tiles
-Added ConsumeItem hook for ModRecipe
-Added PreDrawInInventory and PostDrawInInventory hooks for items
-Fixed bug with removing custom armor from mannequins
-Improved error-handling for missing textures
-Safeproofed installation process
-Removed some log writes that I accidentally left in
-Fixed bug with custom item data saving

-Mods now build as a single file that includes image resources
-Added support for automatically loading items, etc.
-Updated to Terraria
-Added ModItem.AddRecipes hook
-Added support for custom dust through ModDust
-Added CanEquipAccessory hook for items
-Added GlobalNPC with PreNPCLoot and NPCLoot hooks since everyone wants that
-Added ModItem.SaveCustomData and ModItem.LoadCustomData hooks
-Made tooltips easier to add
-Mods that crash the game while loading are now auto-disabled
-Mods are now auto-enabled when they are built
-Added a button to the Mod Sources menu to open the Mod Sources folder
-In-game error messages now appear when the game would have crashed and when a build fails
-Item display names can now be separated from internal names in the SetDefault hook
-Added a ton of hooks for ModItem and GlobalItem
–CanUseItem, UseStyle, UseItemFrame, UseItem, and ConsumeItem
–HoldStyle, HoldItem, and HoldItemFrame
–Shoot, ConsumeAmmo, UseItemHitbox, and MeleeEffects
–ModifyHitNPC, OnHitNPC, ModifyHitPvp, and OnHitPvp
–UpdateInventory, UpdateEquip, UpdateAccessory, IsArmorSet, and UpdateArmorSet
–CanRightClick, RightClick, and Update
–VerticalWingSpeeds and HorizontalWingSpeeds
–GetAnimation (ModItem only), GetAlpha, PreDrawInWorld, and PostDrawInWorld
-Added support for armors and accessories
-Fixed decompile bug that caused minimaps to not save
-Updated to Terraria v1.3.0.6
-Fixed missing .dll bug when building mods
-Split ModLoader class into ModLoader and ItemLoader
-Slightly changed the way modded items are saved
-Updated to Terraria v1.3.0.5
-Added support for prefixes for modded items
-Vastly improved the GUI for building and loading mods
–Menu shows status of loading and building mods
–Added menus that show lists of mods and mod sources
–Added the ability to enable and disable mods
–Added the ability to build mods individually
-Added GlobalItem
-Support for mods, recipes, and basic items

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